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Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone: accurate efforts to attract investment and investment "strong magnetic field"

iconMar 29, 2022 13:48

Recently, at the signing meeting of the network of key investment and investment projects in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia in the first quarter of 2022, Baotou Huading Copper "Copper electrolysis Reconstruction and expansion", Ningbo Yunsheng "27000 tons of High-performance rare Earth permanent Magnet Intelligent Manufacturing" and CNPC Guoxin "Headquarter economy" three projects successfully signed the Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone through online means, with a total investment of 4.054 billion yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, the rare earth high-tech zone has continued to step up efforts to attract investment, constantly expanding the field of attracting investment, and actively adopting investment promotion measures such as "attracting investment on the cloud, attracting investment online, and attracting investment through investment". Innovative expansion of entrusted investment, enterprise investment, industrial chain investment and other ways to attract investment, to provide enterprises with one-stop quality services, and solidly promote the construction of contracted projects. Up to now, there are 156docking enterprises and 23 contracted projects, with a total investment of 16.97 billion yuan, covering new rare earth materials, aluminum and copper deep processing, new energy, equipment manufacturing, trade and other industries.

Precise force

Ushering in the "opening door" of attracting investment and investment

At the end of February, Baotou Municipal Government and Shuangliang Energy Saving system Co., Ltd. held a project signing ceremony, with a total investment of 6.2 billion yuan Shuangliang Silicon material Phase II 20GW monocrystalline silicon project officially settled in the rare earth high-tech zone. The rapid implementation of the project will effectively promote the high-tech zone to become a leading integrated circuit material industry base in China, further extend the photovoltaic integrated industrial chain, and make a good start for the annual investment attraction work of the high-tech zone.

It is reported that the construction period of the second phase of Shuangliang Silicon material project is two years, and the construction contents mainly include crystal pulling workshop, slicing workshop, substation expansion, power center, warehouse, sewage station, argon recovery station, etc., after the completion of the project, the annual output value is expected to reach 12.6 billion yuan, to solve the employment of more than 3200 people.

"without affecting the prevention and control of the epidemic, at present, rare earth high-tech zones are efficiently carrying out investment attraction and project attraction through the combination of" online and offline "such as telephone communication and Internet negotiations." Chen Fucai, deputy director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of rare Earth High-tech Zone, said.

Since the beginning of this year, the rare earth high-tech zone has strictly implemented the top investment promotion mechanism, with each deputy director in charge as the chain leader, the main leader of the department responsible for the investment promotion task as the deputy chain leader, subdivided the industrial chain, and set up 3-5 directional investment promotion teams to comprehensively strengthen investment promotion efforts.

Establish a diversified investment promotion framework, strengthen social investment promotion cooperation, sign social investment promotion cooperation agreements with investment promotion service organizations with strong domestic influence, carry out joint investment promotion, strengthen in-depth cooperation with scientific research institutes and trade associations, attract "invisible champion" enterprises, "unicorn" enterprises, "specialized and new" enterprises to invest in high-tech zones. Take the existing key backbone enterprises such as Baotou Zhenxiong, Shuangliang Silicon Materials, North shares and other large enterprises as the leader, attract investment by business, around the upstream and downstream supporting industries, recruit new advantages, and make the industry bigger and stronger. Centering on the new development orientation of the "4211-year Plan", focusing on permanent magnet materials, motor industry, photovoltaic industry and wind power equipment as the main direction of attracting investment, aiming at the three major economic circles of "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta", we will carefully plan investment promotion projects from the aspects of new energy, new materials, equipment manufacturing and information technology, and strive to create a new situation of attracting investment from large projects and small projects.

Since 2021, the rare earth high-tech zone has visited and contacted more than 700 enterprises, scientific research institutes, associations and chambers of commerce by comprehensively creating a first-class business environment and carrying out large-scale visits and docking.

Optimize the environment

Activate the "strong engine" of investment and development

"Baotou is rich in rare earth resources, a good industrial foundation and a first-class policy environment. Enterprises will benefit from settling here in the long run." Liu Minghui, general manager of Earth Bear (Baotou) permanent Magnet Technology Co., Ltd., has repeatedly explained the attractiveness of the superior business environment of the rare earth high

Whether the business environment of the rare earth high-tech zone is good or not, the data will "talk".

Jinli permanent magnet project with an annual output of 20,000 tons of rare earth permanent magnet materials has been in less than one year from formalities to completion and put into production, creating a record for the fastest construction of rare earth permanent magnet industry. After the completion of the project, it will become the largest permanent magnet material and permanent magnet components factory in the world.

The construction license of the Inster Magnetic material Industry Park project was completed in only one working day, creating a new record that it took only 9 working days for the whole process of examination and approval of the project from the examination and approval of the planning and design plan to obtaining the construction license.

If you plant a good sycamore tree, you will have a Phoenix to perch. Compared with international standards, the rare earth high-tech zone is first-class in China, regards the construction of the "two environments" of livable environment and business environment as the "top" project, and strengthens the efforts to attract investment by all staff. arrangements are made for 14 responsible departments for investment promotion and 12 leading departments of the industrial chain to go to key industrial agglomeration areas according to the existing industrial conditions and attract investment separately according to the plan. Tell the story of "high-tech", do a good job of "high-tech" service, take the initiative to provide front-end service according to the needs of different enterprises, set up gridded service classes, and carry out "special class + commissioner"dual-specialty" service. Carry out the mode of "acceptance in advance + approval in parallel + parallel examination and approval + commitment time limit", and examine the planning and design plan before "taking the land". Land examination and approval procedures, planning and design plans, construction drawing review and other procedures shall be handled simultaneously, parallel examination and approval, and time-limited completion.

Through a series of new measures to attract investment, rare earth high-tech zones are constantly enhancing their industrial competitiveness, forming a high-quality industrial cluster system supported by basic industries and cultivating strategic emerging industries, and activating a strong engine for high-quality development.

Strengthen service

Establish a regional brand "good reputation"

"in 2021, the staff of the rare Earth High-tech Zone Enterprise Service Administration led us to the municipal government affairs service center to go through the relevant formalities for project construction three times. They really fulfilled their promises and left the convenience to the enterprises." Watching the earth bear annual output of 8000 tons of high-end manufacturing high-performance rare earth permanent magnet materials and devices of the rapid progress of the project, Liu Minghui said with relief.

Since 2021, in order to promote the construction of the project as soon as possible, departments at all levels of rare earth high-tech zones have paid close attention to market demand, tackled key weaknesses and weaknesses, and revolved around the whole chain of industrial development, the whole life cycle of enterprise development, and the omni-directional handling of affairs by the masses. we will further optimize the examination and approval process and strengthen the management of the list of licensed items related to enterprises.

We will integrate and promote the reform of "release, management and service", speed up the construction of a service-oriented government, carry out innovative exploration in reducing links, optimizing processes, pressing time, and increasing convenience, and continue to promote reforms such as the integration of multiple trials, the integration of multiple certificates, and doing one thing at a time. The market-oriented business environment has improved steadily. Provide free mailing license, free seal engraving and free U-key "three exemptions" service for new enterprises, saving more than 470000 yuan for enterprises. The reform of "six subtractions and two advantages" was carried out in depth, focusing on reducing materials, reducing links, reducing time limit, reducing running, reducing proof, reducing intermediary, excellent process, and excellent service, comprehensively and systematically combing government service matters, and reducing the time limit by an average of 60%. Continue to promote the standardization and standardization of government affairs at the grass-roots level, relying on the government service hall, Baotou City has created the first special area of government affairs openness with five functions: "government affairs open inspection area, government affairs service self-service area, government affairs consultation area, information disclosure application area, and efficiency supervision area." it has realized the deep integration of government affairs openness and government affairs services.

Rare earths

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

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