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Some Mills in Shanxi Started the Third Round of Price Cuts of Coke by 200 yuan/mt

iconNov 9, 2021 17:49
Some coking plants resumed production to some extent as the dual control has been loosened and the overall operating rates of coke oven rose slightly. The transportation of coke has been restricted by snowstorms in north China, resulting an increase in the inventory at plants. 

SHANGHAI, Nov 9 (SMM) - Some coking plants resumed production to some extent as the dual control has been loosened and the overall operating rates of coke oven rose slightly. The transportation of coke has been restricted by snowstorms in north China, resulting an increase in the inventory at plants. 

Mills restocked coke on rigid demand as the operating rates of blast furnace continued to decline, coupled with increasing steel inventory.  The output of coking coal at coal mines rose further and the supply of coking coal has continued to improve. Some coal mines in parts of Shanxi saw an accumulation of stocks as snowfall has hindered the transportation.

Coking plants were active in selling goods amid rising inventory. But the demand for coke from mills continued to decrease amid production restrictions at mills. Some mills even controlled the arrival sof coke. The supply of coke became looser. Some mills in Shanxi started the third round of price cuts of coke by 200 yuan/mt. The coke prices are expected to weaken further.

coking coal

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