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China's cobalt sulphate output rose 9% on the month to 3,600 mt in August

iconSep 22, 2020 11:35
China's cobalt sulphate output stood at 3,600 mt in cobalt content in August, up 9% on month and up 4% on year. Output totalled 23,800 mt in cobalt content in the first eight months of this year, down 18% from the same period last year.

SHANGHAI, Sep 22 (SMM) — China's cobalt sulphate output stood at 3,600 mt in cobalt content in August, up 9% on month and up 4% on year. Output totalled 23,800 mt in cobalt content in the first eight months of this year, down 18% from the same period last year.


On the supply side, China's cobalt sulphate output stood at 3,560 mt in cobalt content in August, up 8.7% on month and up 3.5% on year. China's cobalt sulphate output increased in August, mainly due to the increase of cobalt sulphateused by some cobaltosic oxide enterprises, and the recovery of ternary demand at home and abroad. The orders of cobalt sulphate enterprises and the supply both increased in August.


A new mill of a large cobalt salt factory was relocated in September, and the supply was expected to decrease. SMM expects China's cobalt sulphate output to decrease 2. 7% on the month and down 6.9% on the year to 3,500 mt in cobalt content in September.

Production data
Cobalt sulphate

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