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SMM Webinar Series: Hype or Fundamentals- Which is driving metals prices today?

iconAug 5, 2020 19:29
In this three part webinar series, our analysts will share their views on the trending topics across the China domestic ferrous, non-ferrous and new energy sectors during this unprecedented period.

As the situation of COVID-19 eases in China, SMM is pleased to welcome back our industry participants to our metals conferences, where we gathered and shared the latest updates on the China metals industry.


At the conferences, speakers gave their insights and near to mid-term forecasts on the metals markets. For instance, Our copper analysts have projected a 450,000 mt Cu reduction in copper ore output which is caused by the pandemic.


On the other hand, China’s imports of cobalt raw materials are expected to fall 4% year on year to 86,000 mt in metal content this year, amid the uncertainty around raw materials supply from Africa. China’s primary nickel market will be in a wide surplus this year, given the aggressive nickel pig iron (NPI) capacity expansion in Indonesia.


In this three part webinar series, our analysts will share their views on the trending topics across the China domestic ferrous, non-ferrous and new energy sectors during this unprecedented period.


Book your slots now!


Event Info


Part 1: Nickel and New Energy

Date: August 4, 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 4:00PM CST
Registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6939025988008259599


Rachel Liu
Head/Senior Analyst, Nickel department
Shanghai Metals Market


Miranda Mei
Analyst, Cobalt-Lithium & New Energy department
Shanghai Metals Market


Part 2: Ferrous Metals

August 6, 2020  (Thursday)

Time: 4:00PM CST
Registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5610874215771198735


Vicky Wang
Chief Steel Analyst
Shanghai Metals Market


Part 3: Non Ferrous Metals

August 11, 2020  (Tuesday)

Time: 4:00PM CST
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4214228366681789199


Logan Lu
Vice President
Shanghai Metals Market

Joyce Li
Research Analyst, Aluminium Team
Shanghai Metals Market

Iron ore
New energy

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

For more information on how to access our research reports, please email service.en@smm.cn

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