Home / Metal News / Qinghai Western Hydropower to restart 150,000 mt aluminium capacity

Qinghai Western Hydropower to restart 150,000 mt aluminium capacity

iconMay 22, 2019 16:13
Primary aluminium capacity of 50,000 mt will recover by the end of May

SHANGHAI, May 22 (SMM) – Qinghai-based aluminium producer Western Hydropower will resume 50,000 mt of primary aluminium capacity by the end of May, a source told SMM on Wednesday May 22. 

The company previously closed its 150,000 mt of primary aluminium capacity. The remaining 100,000 mt under suspension will also come online in the months ahead. 

SMM learned that the plant started to pay a lower electricity price of 0.3 yuan/mt from May. 

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