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Stainless steel inventories in Wuxi fall from mid-Apr

iconApr 28, 2019 09:23
Stocks shrank some 16,000 mt from mid-April, to stand at 264,800 mt as of Apr 26

SHANGHAI, Apr 28 (SMM) – Inventories of stainless steel across warehouses in Wuxi of Jiangsu province shrank some 16,000 mt from mid-April, to stand at 264,800 mt as of Friday April 26, SMM data showed. 

This included some 193,800 mt of #300 series products, down 12,300 mt from mid-April. Inventories of #200 series decreased 100 mt, and came in at 25,300 mt; stocks of #400 series dropped 3,100 mt, and posted 45,700 mt.

Inventory data
Stainless steel

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