Home / Metal News / Daily crude steel output at CISA member mills fall in mid-Dec

Daily crude steel output at CISA member mills fall in mid-Dec

iconDec 29, 2018 16:27
Average daily output during Dec 11-20 declined 1.15% from Dec 1-10 to stand at 1.84 million mt

SHANGHAI, Dec 29 (SMM) – Average daily output of crude steel across China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) member mills during December 11-20 declined 1.15% from December 1-10 to stand at 1.84 million mt. This followed a buildup of 2.07% in December 1-10.

As of December 20, inventories of steel products across CISA member mills shrank 0.2%, or 24,000 mt, from December 10 and came in at 12.14 million mt.

Production data
Crude steel

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