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Operating rates of zinc die-casting plants dip to 50.7% in May

iconJun 11, 2018 14:43
Operating rate across China's zinc die-casting plants stood at 50.7% in May, SMM survey showed.

SHANGHAI, Jun 11 (SMM) – Operating rate across China's zinc die-casting plants stood at 50.7% in May, SMM survey showed.

This was down 5.15 percentage points from April and down 8.85 percentage points from May last year, due to stricter environmental restrictions in slack season. 

SMM expects the operating rate to dip further to 49.71% in June, down 9.59 percentage points from the same month last year. The decline is contributed by suspension of some zinc die-casting plants from late May to mid-June due to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao. In addition, the downstream of zinc die-casting industry has entered off-season in June. 


For editorial queries, please contact Daisy Tseng at daisy@smm.cn 
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Operating rates
Zinc die-casting

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

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