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Standard of Imported Solid Scrap Releases

iconNov 28, 2017 16:10
Recently, there is one national standard on “imported solid scrap” submitted to WTO by China spread on the Internet.

SHANGHAI, Nov.28 (SMM)-Recently, there is one national standard on “imported solid scrap” submitted to WTO by China spread on the Internet. The standard requires inclusion in scrap of base metals should be controlled (including wood scrap, waste paper, plastic scrap, rubber scrap, glass scrap, powder scrap with particle size less than 2mm), which shall not exceed 1% of the total weight of imported scrap of base metals. Thereinto the weight of powder substance less than 2mm in particle size (dust, sludge, crystalloid salt, metallic oxide and fiber scrap) shall not exceed 0.1% of the total weight of imported scrap of base metals.

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