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DE-Capacity of Coal and Steel Probably Completing in Advance This Year

iconSep 27, 2017 11:47
The coal industry had finished 85% of the annual aim by the end of July. Some provinces has overfulfilled the mission. De-capacity of steel and coal industry of this year may be completed in advance.

Currently the steel industry has almost completed capacity elimination mission of this year. The coal industry had finished 85% of the annual aim by the end of July. Some provinces has overfulfilled the mission. De-capacity of steel and coal industry of this year may be completed in advance. Insider suggests relevant commissions fortify policy coordination to speed up improvement of policy on reduction and replacement as well as annexation and reorganization of coal industry. Meanwhile debt-for-equity swap is combined with annexation and reorganization for maximum effect. It is expected more policies will be introduced later.

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