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Operating Rate at China Copper Plate/Sheet, Strip and Foil Producers Up in August, SMM Surveys

iconSep 14, 2017 10:02
SMM survey finds the average operating rate at Chinese copper plate/sheet, strip and foil producers rose in August.

SHANGHAI, Sept. 14 (SMM) - SMM survey finds the average operating rate at Chinese copper plate/sheet, strip and foil producers rose in August.

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The average rate increased to 71.19% in August, up 1.33 percentage points on the month and 3.97 percentage points year-on-year. 

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For news cooperation, please contact us by email: sallyzhang@smm.cn or service.en@smm.cn. 

Operating rate
copper plate/sheet
strip and foil producers

For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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