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Galvanizers in Tianjin Forced to Cease Production on National Games, SMM Reports

iconAug 28, 2017 19:49
Some galvanizers in Tianjin have been required to close from  August 24 by the government in order to secure the opening of 13th National Games, SMM understands.

SHANGHAI, Aug. 28 (SMM) – Some galvanizers in Tianjin have been required to close from  August 24 by the government in order to secure the opening of 13th National Games, SMM understands.

Shandong Zinc Oxide Plants Shut down for Environmental Protection, SMM Reports

All their production lines were suspended. When to restart is still indeterminate. 

China to Levy Environmental Protection Tax in 2018

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Galvanizing plants
environmental Pollution
zinc consumption

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