Home / Metal News / Zinc Premiums Expand in Tianjin as SHFE Zinc Falls, SMM Reports

Zinc Premiums Expand in Tianjin as SHFE Zinc Falls, SMM Reports

iconAug 23, 2017 16:33
Spot premiums of regular zinc brands in Tianjin expand 50 to 450-500 yuan per tonne over September zinc on the SHFE on August 23, SMM data showed.

SHANGHAI, Aug. 23 (SMM) – Spot premiums of regular zinc brands in Tianjin expand 50 to 450-500 yuan per tonne over September zinc on the SHFE on August 23, SMM data showed.

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Downstream buying interest weakened from yesterday.

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#0 zinc traded mainly in 26,320-26,870 yuan per tonne range in Tianjin on August 23, SMM data showed.

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spot premiums
zinc prices
SHFE zinc
spot discounts
imported zinc

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