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CLSA Forecasts Metals Output at Zijin Mining in Years Ahead

iconAug 22, 2017 15:44
CLSA made an output forecast for Zijin Mining in the coming years. 

SHANGHAI, Aug. 22 (SMM) – CLSA made an output forecast for Zijin Mining in the coming years. 

According to CLSA estimation, copper output at Zijin Mining is expected to grow by 25 per cent in 2017, and to increase 35 per cent in 2018 and 2019. With coming-on of Kamoa copper project in D.R. Congo, its output growth will speed up to 93 per cent in 2020 and 2021. 

China Base Metal Output Data in July 2017, SMM Exclusive Data

In 2017, Zijin Mining is expected to see a 14 per cent growth of zinc output, and its gold output is expected to fall in 2017 and 2018. Its gold grade at Zijinshan gold mine is falling, but the impact is expected to be small as gold output at the mine is only estimated to account for about 10 per cent. 

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Zijin Mining
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