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Arriving Iron Ore Shipments to Fall Sharply at China Ports despite More Supplies from Australia and Brazil, SMM Says

iconJul 24, 2017 15:08
Arriving shipments of iron ore at 24 Chinese ports are expected to fall sharply during July 20-August 3 compared to July 13-27, SMM estimates.

SHANGHAI, Jul. 24 (SMM) – Arriving shipments of iron ore at 24 Chinese ports are expected to fall sharply during July 20-August 3 compared to July 13-27, SMM estimates.

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Total arriving shipments will be 11.884 million tonnes during July 20-August 3, down 1.198 tonnes or 9.2% from July 13-27.

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Shipments from Australia and Brazil will increase slightly, though.

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