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Hebei’s Handan to Complete Steel Capacity Cut Work before Late September

iconJul 14, 2017 09:53
Handan, a city located in the southwestern part of Hebei province, said to complete steel capacity reduction work before the end of September, local media reported. 

SHANGHAI, Jul. 14 (SMM) – Handan, a city located in the southwestern part of Hebei province, said to complete steel capacity reduction work before the end of September, local media reported. 

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Within 2017, Handan is required to eliminate iron-smelting capacity by 4.68 million tonnes, and steel-making capacity by 2 million tonnes, and now it has advanced its finishing date. 

The city also needs to cut coal capacity by 1.87 million tonnes, close eleven 307,000-kw thermal power units, and five coke ovens as well, and to reduce coke capacity by 2.80 million tonnes in the year of 2017.

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