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Zinc Spot Premiums in Tianjin Outshine Shanghai, Guangdong, SMM Reports

iconJun 27, 2017 11:02
Spot premiums in Tianjin topped Shanghai and Guangdong June 26, SMM said.

SHANGHAI, Jun. 27 (SMM) - Spot premiums in Tianjin topped Shanghai and Guangdong June 26, SMM said.

Spot premiums on #0 zinc in Tianjin were 350-450 yuan per tonne over July zinc on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), with premiums over Shanghai prices expanding about 100 yuan per tonne to 150 yuan per tonne.

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Spot premiums in Shanghai and Guangdong have been shrinking over the past two weeks. In contrast, those in Tianjin were firm because of robust consumption, SMM explained.

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SHFE zinc price
LME zinc price

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