Home / Metal News / 52% of Tin Ore Dressing Plants in Gejiu Close Permanently, SMM Reports

52% of Tin Ore Dressing Plants in Gejiu Close Permanently, SMM Reports

iconJun 7, 2017 11:47
About 52% of tin ore dressing plants in Gejiu shut down permanently, which could not meet emission standard and rejected to enter the parks.

SHANGHAI, Jun. 7 (SMM) – Yunnan’s Gejiu conducted inspections on dressing plants in Xicheng, Jijie, Datun, Kafang Town and Shadian District, requiring dressing plants to enter North Ore Dressing Pilot Park in Kafang and South Ore Dressing Pilot Park in Datun within the prescribed time. Dressing plants, which could not meet emission standard and rejected to enter the parks, were called to suspend production, SMM learns.

About 52% of tin ore dressing plants in Gejiu shut down permanently. However, this will not make big impact on tin ore supply in a short term as more than half of local mines are in offline due to strict environmental checks, resources integration and weak tin prices.

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