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Operating Rate at Chinese Electric Wire & Cable Manufacturers to Rise Further in May, SMM Survey

iconMay 2, 2017 10:48
The average operating rate at domestic electric wire and cable producers is expected to rise to 89.06% in May, SMM predicts based on a survey.

SHANGHAI, May. 2 (SMM) – The average operating rate at domestic electric wire and cable producers is expected to rise to 89.06% in May, SMM predicts based on a survey.

The result of companies that won bid from China Southern Power Grid was partially released in April. The companies that won bid from the State Grid will also be announced in May. Orders at wire & cable producers will be incentivized to some extent.

The rate at large wire & cable producers is expected to exceed 90%.

For news cooperation, please contact us by email: sallyzhang@smm.cn or service.en@smm.cn. 

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electric wire and cable

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