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Qinghai PV Industry Booms as Monocrystalline Silicon, Polysilicon Output Jumps in First Quarter

iconApr 24, 2017 13:43
Qinghai’s monocrystalline silicon and polysilicon output leapt in the first quarter of the year. Production rose 136.1% and 51.5% year-on-year, respectively, to 2,259.79 tonnes and 4,741.72 tonnes, ac

SHANGHAI, Apr. 24 (SMM) – Qinghai’s monocrystalline silicon and polysilicon output leapt in the first quarter of the year. Production rose 136.1% and 51.5% year-on-year, respectively, to 2,259.79 tonnes and 4,741.72 tonnes, according to government data.

Silicon Plants in Fujian Hold off Restarts after Entry of Environmental Protection Inspection Team

Photovoltaic industry in Qinghai Province is rising rapidly.

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monocrystalline silicon output
polysilicon output

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