SHANGHAI, Apr. 10 (SMM) - China’s refined tin output increased 13.3% MoM to 16,129 tonnes in March due largely to increasing workdays. Moreover, some tin smelters in Jiangxi added equipment, which also contributed to output growth. SMM expects refined tin output to drop 8.2% to 14,800 tonnes in April from March’s level. China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection launched spot check in Gejiu in early April and some local tin smelters were called to close down due to unqualified emission and some crude tin production lines were suspended output, which will affect for a half of month. In addition, China Tin Group will have maintenance in April, affecting one third of its output. New equipment at Ganzhou Chiding Renewable Resources will release output in the month. Nankang Kaiyuan Mining already suspended output to remove plant and person in charge said that the company will restart output after two and half months.
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