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China Battery Producers Plan to Prolong Holiday on Poor Demand

iconJun 7, 2016 13:39
Lots of lead-acid battery producers in China planned to prolong the operation halt for China’ s Dragon Boat Festival from June 9-11, SMM learns.

SHANGHAI, Jun. 7 (SMM) – Lots of lead-acid battery producers in China planned to prolong the operation halt for China’ s Dragon Boat Festival from June 9-11, SMM learns.

SMM survey of ten motive and ignition battery makers finds that four of them planned to suspend operation for three days, three of them for five-seven days, and one of them for twenty days. The rest two battery producers already halt operation for five-ten days and restarted operation recently.  

The move is aimed to ease inventory pressure. Both motive and ignition battery maker will remain in the slack season in June and end-user market demand is thin.

With oversupply in battery market, leading battery makers continue sales promotion activities. And sales for less-known battery are limited. Many distributors are pessimistic over battery prices and show little buying interest. 

For news cooperation, please contact us by email: sallyzhang@smm.cn or service.en@smm.cn. 

lead-acid battery
lead-acid battery producers

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