Home / Metal News / Survey and brief analysis of aluminum smelters’ in-plant alumina inventories by province in May

Survey and brief analysis of aluminum smelters’ in-plant alumina inventories by province in May

iconJun 18, 2024 09:42
According to SMM's statistics in early June, the total alumina inventories at aluminum smelters nationwide amounted to 2.8815 million mt.

According to SMM's statistics in early June, the total alumina inventories at aluminum smelters nationwide amounted to 2.8815 million mt. In May, the national aluminum output was 3.632 million mt, with a daily output of 117,200 mt. After being converted, the number of days of in-plant alumina inventories at aluminum smelters nationwide in early June was 12.78 days.

By region:

In the North-west China regions such as Ningxia, Qinghai, Gansu, and Xinjiang, the aluminum smelters had stable long-term orders recently, and some smelters in the North-west China had small-scale dip buying earlier, resulting in relatively stable inventory levels. The average in-plant alumina inventories duration was 15-30 days. In Liaoning and Inner Mongolia, some aluminum smelters had poor long-term order supply, leading to lower in-plant alumina inventory levels than in previous years, with an average inventory duration of 7-15 days.

In regions such as Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Chongqing, where alumina capacity is relatively concentrated, the long-term order supply was relatively stable. Out of cost reduction considerations, the in-plant alumina inventories duration was relatively low, averaging around 5-12 days.

In Yunnan, due to the steady progress of production resumption and some capacity yet to reach full production in the short term, the in-plant alumina inventories were sufficient, maintaining a stable inventory duration of over 20 days.

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