Home / Metal News / Upstream separation plants and metal factories began to raise Pr-Nd prices last week

Upstream separation plants and metal factories began to raise Pr-Nd prices last week

iconJun 17, 2024 15:24
Last week, Pr-Nd oxide prices generally saw a slight decline.

Last week, Pr-Nd oxide prices generally saw a slight decline. During the week, the mainstream prices of Pr-Nd oxide fluctuated downward from 362,000-365,000 yuan/mt on June 6 to 360,000-362,000 yuan/mt on June 13, a decrease of about 0.7% WoW. The Pr-Nd alloy prices have recovered recently but declined overall last week, falling from 448,000-450,000 yuan/mt on June 6 to 443,000-447,000 yuan/mt on June 13, a decrease of about 0.9% WoW.

Upstream separation plants and metal factories began to raise Pr-Nd prices last week. Approaching the weekend, Pr-Nd prices began to stop falling and rebound.

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