Home / Metal News / Shengxin Lithium Energy Expands Agreement to Purchase Lithium Product in Australia

Shengxin Lithium Energy Expands Agreement to Purchase Lithium Product in Australia

iconFeb 7, 2024 18:56
Australian mining company Pilbara has modified its purchase agreement with Shengxin Lithium Energy, with plans to deliver 85,000 tons of lithium spodumene concentrate in 2024 and increase the annual delivery volume to 150,000 tons in 2025-2026.

SMM News on February 7:

Australian mining company Pilbara announced this morning that it has executed a modification to the existing purchase agreement with Shengxin Lithium Energy. The company will deliver 85,000 tons of lithium spodumene concentrate to Shengxin Lithium Energy in 2024. The annual delivery volume will increase to 150,000 tons during the period of 2025-2026.

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