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The main lithium carbonate contract fell, down 2.36% [SMM Review]

iconJan 31, 2024 19:39
On January 31, lithium carbonate (2407) main contract fell 2.36%, opening at 101,150 yuan/ton, reaching a high of 101,900 yuan/ton before closing at 99,150 yuan/ton. The spot price for battery-grade lithium carbonate remained stable at 94,000-99,500 yuan/ton.

On January 31, SMM reported that the main contract of lithium carbonate 2407 fell by 2.36%. Data showed that the main contract opened at 101150 yuan/ton and closed at 99150 yuan/ton, with a trading volume of 102011 lots and an open interest of 150388 lots, an increase of 9270 lots from the previous trading day. The spot price of battery-grade lithium carbonate on the same day was 94000-99500 yuan/ton, with an average price of 96750 yuan/ton, unchanged from the previous working day.
From the trend perspective, the price of lithium carbonate rose slightly after the opening, reaching a high of 101,900 yuan/ton during the day before falling and probing lower. It then continued to be under pressure and eventually closed down by 2.36%.

SMM price
Energy Storage

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