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TD Analyst: Social Media May Have Worsened US Regional Banking Crisis

iconMay 5, 2023 13:26
Social media may have worsened the regional banking crisis, according to TD policy analyst Jaret Seiberg.

Social media may have worsened the regional banking crisis, according to TD policy analyst Jaret Seiberg, who wrote in the report that those banks experienced a Gamestop-like moment where social media amplified the non-traditional methods used to assess bank solvency. This turned into a "self-fulfilling prophecy" that dragged down stock prices and caused more problems, which may explain the government's failure to curb the banking sector's problems. Seiberg noted that this did not mean that existing rules were ineffective, but banks were not designed to withstand a 20% outflow of deposits in 24 hours. The challenges facing regional banks are not expected to abate any time soon. There is no effective way to combat disinformation, and this may not be a government function.

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