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Short-term Nickel Ore Prices to Run Steadily

iconMay 4, 2023 14:17
On April 28, the average price of Ni 1.5% ore added $1/wmt from the previous Friday to $51/wmt on a CIF basis.

SHANGHAI, May 4 (SMM) - On April 28, the average price of Ni 1.5% ore added $1/wmt from the previous Friday to $51/wmt on a CIF basis. Nickel ore mines in the Philippines were less willing to ship spots, tightening the ore supply in China. The nickel ore trading was critically sluggish last week since the Chinese NPI plants restocked nickel ore only on rigid demand. This was because the NPI market was dismal when NPI prices dropped to 1,092 yuan/mt. Domestic nickel ore traders wished to lower their purchase prices, while the mines held firm to their ore quotes, leading to thin trades. Short-term Ni 1.5% ore prices may be stable.

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