Home / Metal News / Citibank: Europe and US Fall into Financial Risks while China will Become a Safe Haven

Citibank: Europe and US Fall into Financial Risks while China will Become a Safe Haven

iconMar 24, 2023 17:33
Citibank issued a report saying that the recent European and American banking crises have highlighted that China is a relatively safe haven this year.

Citibank issued a report saying that the recent European and American banking crises have highlighted that China is a relatively safe haven this year. It believes that the pandemic and regulatory uncertainty last year have ended. With the improvement of car sales and stable real estate sales, the momentum of economic activity may be further strengthened. The report mentioned that China will become one of the few countries in the world whose economy growth can accelerate, while the economies of the US and Europe face higher financial risks. Given financial soundness, policy discipline and the new political and economic cycle, it is believed that China can at least be a safe haven, while recent measures such as the People's Bank of China's decision to lower the reserve requirement ratio also lend support to global turmoil.


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