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Prices of Manganese Ore Increased Slightly

iconJan 10, 2023 17:39
Ports in north China: Australian ore 46.5-47 yuan/mtu, flat from the previous trading day,

SHANGHAI, Jan 10 (SMM) - Ports in north China: Australian ore 46.5-47 yuan/mtu, flat from the previous trading day, Australian ore 42.5-43 yuan/mtu, South African manganese semicarbonate ore 36.5-37 yuan/mtu, up 0.5 yuan/mtu, Gabonese ore 43.5-44 yuan/mtu, Brazilian ore 42.5-43 yuan/mtu, South African high-iron manganese ore 32-32.5 yuan/mtu. Ports in south China: Australian ore 47-48, flat from the previous trading day, Australian ore 44.5-45 yuan/mtu, up 0.5 yuan/mtu, South African manganese semicarbonate ore 39.5-40 yuan/mtu, up 0.5 yuan/mtu, Gabonese ore 44.5-45 yuan/mtu, Brazilian ore 44-45 yuan/mtu, South African high-iron ore 32-32.5 yuan/mtu . At present, the SiMn miners held the prices firm due to the tight spot supply. The manganese ore prices rose slightly.


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