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Chilean copper exports fell 9.2% in February from a year earlier.

iconMar 14, 2022 15:54

Chile's copper exports fell in February, despite high copper prices, according to data released by Chile's central bank, according to the website BNAmericas.

In February, Chilean exports fell 9.2 per cent year-on-year to US $3.836 billion.

Although the mining industry has not been seriously affected by COVID-19 prevention and control measures, some companies have cut production.

A new outbreak of Omicron mutants has led to a rise in infections in some mines such as the (Escondida) copper mine in Escondida.

(Cochilco) of the Chilean Copper Commission believes that the decline in production at some mines at the beginning of the year is mainly due to operations rather than outbreaks, which will improve in the coming months.

"however, some mines are due to water problems, which may affect production in the coming months," Cochilco responded in an email.

Affected by the long-term dry climate, some mines, such as Los Bronses (Los Bronces), the main mine of Anglo-American Group, and Los Perebrance (Los Pelambres) of Antofagasta (Antofagasta), are facing water shortages.

Global mining giants such as Chile's national copper companies (Codelco), BHP Billiton, Glencore, Anglo-American, Freeport McMoran and Antofagasta have mines in Chile.


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