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Nine departments: implementing "Science and Technology aiding Youth" to build a world-class salt lake industrial base

iconMar 4, 2022 17:51

The Ministry of Science and Technology and other nine departments issued a circular on the implementation plan for scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western regions of the 14th five-year Plan, which proposes to build a world-class salt lake industrial base. We will deepen cooperation between Qinghai and provinces and cities such as Tianjin, Shandong, Anhui and Chongqing, improve the collaborative innovation mechanism between the upstream and downstream of the salt lake industry, and improve the technology and industrialization level of high-value development and utilization of potassium, magnesium, lithium and other resources in the salt lake. We will enhance the innovative development ability of salt lake chemical enterprises, promote the construction of digital salt lakes and intelligent salt lakes, speed up the development of innovative industrial clusters with Hercynian salt lake chemical characteristics and circular economy, and enhance the competitiveness of salt lake industries.

The Plan also proposes to support Xinjiang to implement clean energy utilization and carbon neutralization science and technology, to support Inner Mongolia to carry out green exploitation of rare earth resources in eastern provinces and cities, and to support Yunnan to build a "photovoltaic capital of the world" and other plans.

The original text is as follows:

Circular of nine departments, including the Ministry of Science and Technology, on the issuance of the "implementation Plan for East-West Science and Technology Cooperation in the 14th five-year Plan"

All relevant units:

In order to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy and the regional coordinated development strategy, further promote scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western regions, speed up the realization of scientific and technological self-reliance, and support and lead high-quality economic and social development, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other nine departments have studied and formulated the implementation Plan for East-West Scientific and technological Cooperation in the 14th five-year Plan, which is now issued to you. Please seriously promote its implementation.

Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

SASAC, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources

China Science and Technology Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

March 3, 2022

The implementation Plan of Scientific and technological Cooperation between the East and the West during the 14th five-year Plan

The scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western regions is an important measure to improve the regional scientific and technological innovation system and promote regional and cross-regional collaborative innovation. it is of great significance to enhance the innovation ability of the western region and solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development. This implementation plan is formulated in order to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy and the regional coordinated development strategy, further promote scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western regions, speed up the realization of scientific and technological self-reliance, and support and lead high-quality economic and social development.

I. overall requirements

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the New era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 19th Plenary session, based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development, focus on the national science and technology strategy and the major needs of regional development, adhere to government guidance, market subjects, integration of elements, win-win cooperation, and deepen the mechanism of cross-regional scientific and technological cooperation. We will improve the system of scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western regions, stimulate the vitality of various innovative subjects, such as enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutes, and guide the orderly flow and efficient agglomeration of innovative elements across regions. we will promote resource sharing, talent exchange, platform joint construction, joint tackling key problems, achievement transformation and industrialization, and form a new situation of cross-regional scientific and technological innovation cooperation with complementary advantages and efficient coordination.

By 2025, the scientific and technological innovation capability of the western region will be significantly improved, the spillover effect of scientific and technological innovation in the eastern region will be more obvious, the cross-regional two-way integration of the industrial chain of innovation chain will be closer, and the leading role of scientific and technological innovation in high-quality economic and social development will be significantly enhanced. we will strongly support the construction of a new development pattern with domestic and international cycles as the main body and domestic and international cycles promote each other.

II. Key tasks

(1) to implement "science and technology to aid Xinjiang" and shape Xinjiang's advantages in innovation and development.

1. We will support the joint research of carbon peak carbon neutralization technology in key areas in Xinjiang. Focus on the goal of carbon neutralization, give full play to the advantages of multi-departments and regions in tackling key problems, and support the implementation of clean energy utilization and carbon neutralization science and technology actions in Xinjiang. We will carry out the research, development and demonstration application of advanced energy technologies such as clean coal utilization, intelligent wind turbines, energy storage and new energy microgrid, and carry out the development and transformation of green and low-carbon technologies in strategic mineral and chemical industries, so as to support and lead the green development in Xinjiang.

two。 We will promote the innovative development of characteristic agriculture of cotton, forest and fruit in Xinjiang. We will support Xinjiang and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to jointly carry out technological research on improved variety cultivation, digital cotton fields and smart farms, raise the technical level of efficient water-saving and mechanized harvesting equipment, and cultivate relevant national technological innovation platforms. Strengthen the collection, protection and utilization of forest and fruit germplasm resources, carry out the research and demonstration of cold chain logistics, fresh-keeping and quality traceability system of agricultural products, and promote the integrated application of digital technology in the industrial chain of forest and fruit agriculture.

3. To create a highland for scientific and technological innovation in the Silk Road Economic Belt. We will deepen the mechanism of scientific and technological assistance to Xinjiang and the "quadripartite cooperation" mechanism, support Xinjiang in speeding up the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt Innovation-driven Development pilot Zone and the Wuchangshi National Independent Innovation demonstration Zone, and jointly build innovative platforms such as the Silk Road Innovation and Development Institute and high-level think tanks.

(2) to implement "science and technology assistance to Tibet" to support the construction of beautiful and happy Tibet.

1. To construct a systematic technical solution for ecological protection in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We will organize national scientific research forces with advantages in ecological protection, speed up the implementation of the second comprehensive scientific expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, support the construction of a carbon stock assessment and carbon neutralization monitoring system, build a comprehensive scientific research center and scientific data center on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, jointly carry out research on fragile ecological protection in Tibet and the cultivation of derivative industries, form systematic technological solutions for ecological protection, and enhance Tibet's scientific and technological support capacity for sustainable development.

two。 Speed up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in agriculture and animal husbandry with Tibetan characteristics. We will support Tibet in conjunction with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and leading enterprises in the industry to set up innovative consortia to jointly carry out applied basic research, technological development, and achievement transformation of agriculture and animal husbandry with highland barley and yak characteristics, and jointly build state key laboratories for germplasm resources and genetic improvement of highland barley and yak, so as to improve Tibet's capacity for modern breeding, healthy breeding and the development of high value-added agricultural products, and promote the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry with Tibetan characteristics.

3. We will raise the level of innovation and development of plateau medicine and Tibetan medicine. We will promote the pairing of Lhasa with innovative cities in the eastern region and national high-tech zones, deepen industry-university-research and application cooperation in the field of plateau medicine and Tibetan medicine, and carry out scientific research on health security for people on the plateau. We will strengthen research on the protection of Tibetan medicinal resources and the development of new Tibetan medicines, and enhance the level of clinical medicine in Tibet and the innovation capability of ethnic pharmaceutical enterprises. We will carry out the training of talents for revitalizing Tibet through science and technology and "popularizing science and technology to aid Tibet", and step up efforts to provide counterpart assistance to relevant counties in Tibet

(3) to implement "science and technology to aid the youth" and jointly build the highlands of ecological civilization on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

1. We will implement the scientific and technological project for the ecological protection of Sanjiangyuan. We will promote the establishment of a scientific and technological innovation alliance for the ecological protection of the sources of the three rivers in Qinghai, the Yangtze River basin and the provinces and regions along the Yellow River, and jointly carry out technical research on water resources conservation, ecological restoration, and the treatment of degraded land in the three rivers source areas. we will jointly build a field comprehensive scientific research base on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the national sustainable development experimental area of Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and implement the integration, demonstration and promotion of technologies such as ecological restoration and clean energy utilization. Give full play to the exemplary and leading role of Sanjiangyuan National Park.

two。 To build a world-class salt lake industrial base. We will deepen cooperation between Qinghai and provinces and cities such as Tianjin, Shandong, Anhui and Chongqing, improve the collaborative innovation mechanism between the upstream and downstream of the salt lake industry, and improve the technology and industrialization level of high-value development and utilization of potassium, magnesium, lithium and other resources in the salt lake. We will enhance the innovative development ability of salt lake chemical enterprises, promote the construction of digital salt lakes and intelligent salt lakes, speed up the development of innovative industrial clusters with Hercynian salt lake chemical characteristics and circular economy, and enhance the competitiveness of salt lake industries.

3. To improve the technical level of industrialization of agricultural and livestock products of "Qingzhao". Support Qinghai in conjunction with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Jiangsu, Sichuan, Gansu, Tibet and other places to carry out technological research, demonstration and popularization of the whole industrial chain of raw material production and intensive processing of "Qingzi" agricultural and livestock products such as cold water fish and Chinese wolfberry, cultivate technological innovation centers in agricultural fields, build intelligent innovation and entrepreneurial service platforms, and raise the construction level of agricultural science and technology parks in Xining, Haidong and other countries. We will promote the integrated development of agriculture and animal husbandry with Qinghai characteristics.

(4) to implement "science and technology into Yunnan" to promote the innovation and development of multi-ethnic areas in the southwest frontier.

1. Improve the technical level of biodiversity conservation in southwest China. We will support Yunnan to jointly carry out scientific and technological research on ecological protection and pollution control of plateau lakes in eastern provinces and cities, and jointly build cross-border biodiversity field observation and research stations and high-level innovation platforms in Gaoligong Mountain. We will carry out technical research on biodiversity protection, monitoring and risk assessment of wild animal pathogen transmission, and conservation of germplasm resources in Gaoligong Mountain, and build a monitoring and early warning system for biodiversity and cross-border biosafety in southwest China. Promote the conservation of biodiversity in Yunnan.

two。 Build a clean energy innovation highland in central Yunnan. We will support Kunming, Yuxi, Chuxiong and other national high-tech zones in Yunnan to pair up with Zhongguancun, Zhangjiang, Shenzhen and other national high-tech zones, and deepen research and cooperation in clean energy fields such as "water-wind-light" complementary energy, energy storage and smart energy. we will tackle key technological problems in industries such as rare and precious metals and green aluminum and silicon, build agglomeration areas for innovation and development of characteristic industries, and support Yunnan to build "the photovoltaic capital of the world".

3. High-level construction of Lincang national sustainable development agenda innovation demonstration zone. Gather the scientific research forces of the eastern and western regions, carry out theoretical research on the protection and inheritance and utilization of cultural resources in the frontier ethnic areas of southwestern Yunnan, and research on the digital protection, inheritance and utilization of diverse cultural resources, so as to promote the integration and development of national culture. Focus on the whole industry chain of sucrose in Lincang, carry out research and development of advanced technology and equipment, and build a high-end and green sucrose industry system. Summarize and popularize the construction experience of the demonstration area in time and give full play to the demonstration-driven effect.

(5) to implement "science and technology support" and build a leading area for scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western regions.

1. Science and technology supports the improvement of quality and efficiency of key industries in Ningxia. We will support Ningxia in conjunction with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and eastern provinces and cities to tackle key technological problems in characteristic industries such as Chinese wolfberry, wine, dairy, beef cattle and Tan sheep, and jointly build pilot-scale R & D and achievement transformation platforms in photovoltaic manufacturing, hydrogen energy production, energy storage, energy conservation and carbon reduction, promote the development of "sophisticated, small-scale, customized, non-standard" characteristic industrial clusters, and establish the Ningxia label of "non-standard manufacturing". Expand the new space to undertake industrial transfer.

two。 Promote cross-regional cooperation in Ningxia Science and Technology Park. Support Ningxia Science and Technology Park to explore the introduction of strategic investors and specialized park operators in eastern provinces and cities in the form of "overall outsourcing" and "franchise", develop in pairs with eastern provincial and municipal parks, and strengthen the sharing of new technologies and achievements. Ningxia is encouraged to jointly develop with eastern provinces and cities in the form of co-building parks, establishing "enclave parks" and setting up branch parks, so as to deepen supply chain cooperation in the industrial chain.

3. Deepen the exchange and cooperation of talents and talents in Ningxia. We will explore a new mechanism for attracting talents and talents in the western region, support Ningxia in popularizing the experience of cooperation between Fujian and Ningxia, institutionalize scientific research personnel and teams from eastern provinces and cities to carry out scientific and technological services in Ningxia, and exchange agricultural science and technology extension personnel with the eastern region. Implement the "modern apprenticeship system" to guide graduates of colleges and universities to work in Ningxia enterprises. We will support Ningxia employers to set up "talent enclaves", and all kinds of science and technology plans and awards will be opened to flexible introduction of high-level talents.

(6) to implement "revitalizing Mongolia through science and technology" to support Inner Mongolia to take the road of ecological priority green development.

1. Science and technology will support the construction of an important ecological security Barrier in the north. We will support Inner Mongolia's joint provinces and regions along the Yellow River to launch scientific and technological projects such as "comprehensive ecological protection of the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River Basin" and "comprehensive management of the ecological environment in Inner Mongolia". We will jointly carry out the tackling of key problems of "one lake and two seas" ecological protection technology and the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and implement integrated demonstrations of forest carbon sequestration in the Daxing'an Mountains, ecological protection of the northern sand prevention belt, and restoration of degra To provide systematic technical solutions for eco-security Barrier construction.

two。 Science and technology promotes the green transformation of energy resources in Inner Mongolia. Relying on the innovative urban agglomeration of Hubao and Hubei, we support Inner Mongolia's eastern provinces and cities to carry out R & D and industrialization of key technologies in the fields of green exploitation of rare earth resources, development of functional materials, and comprehensive utilization of solid waste, and jointly carry out the development, transformation and application of clean energy technologies such as large-scale energy storage, hydrogen energy and intelligent Electroweb, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy resources in Inner Mongolia, and support the construction of the country's important energy and strategic resource bases.

3. Science and technology leads the development of modern agriculture and animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia. We will support the establishment of a cooperative alliance between Inner Mongolia Agricultural Science and Technology Park and the Yellow River Delta Agricultural High-tech Industry demonstration Zone, and promote universities, scientific research institutes, and enterprises to jointly tackle key problems across regions. we will improve the technical level of Inner Mongolia's characteristic agriculture and animal husbandry industries, such as potatoes, sunflowers, corn, cattle and sheep, and create a brand of geographical indications for agriculture and animal husbandry products in Inner Mongolia.

(7) deepen cross-regional pairing cooperation and strengthen the new momentum of high-quality regional development.

1. Implement the pairing cooperation of digital innovation in Guizhou. We will promote the introduction of science and technology into Guizhou, deepen scientific and technological cooperation between Guiyang and Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation demonstration Zone, promote the transformation, application, innovation and entrepreneurship of scientific and technological achievements in areas such as artificial intelligence, block chain, and intelligent manufacturing in Guizhou, and jointly build a public big data State key Laboratory to promote the high-quality development of digital economy in Guizhou. We will deepen the cooperation model of "Guangdong R & D + Guizhou manufacturing" and jointly carry out technological research and development and transformation of achievements.

two。 Deepen Gansu Lanbai-Shanghai Zhangjiang scientific and technological innovation pairing cooperation. We will improve the "tripartite cooperation" mechanism, support the coordinated development of the Lanbai National Independent Innovation demonstration Zone and the Zhangjiang National Independent Innovation demonstration Zone, and jointly build a joint laboratory, an open innovation cooperation platform and a green technology bank. We will support Lanzhou to speed up the innovation and development of industries such as biomedicine, new energy and new-generation information technology. We will support Gansu to optimize the ecology of innovation and entrepreneurship, establish a double employment mechanism with Shanghai for high-end talents, and promote the flexible flow of talents.

III. Safeguard measures

(1) to improve the coordination and promotion mechanism. The Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Engineering, and the China Association for Science and Technology have jointly established a coordination and promotion mechanism for scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western regions.

(2) to implement the responsibility of local subjects. The science and technology management departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) should fulfill their main responsibilities, and the science and technology management departments of the western provinces and regions should formulate implementation plans, establish a horizontal coordination and linkage mechanism, strengthen the allocation of resources, and ensure that tasks are implemented in place. Encourage the science and technology management departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), in conjunction with the financial departments, in combination with their region's scientific and technological reform and development plans and relevant policies, and through the central government to guide local scientific and technological development funds to support the relevant work of scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western

(3) strengthen the guidance of performance evaluation. We will establish a performance evaluation system for eastern and western scientific and technological cooperation, entrust the China Rural Technology Development Center to follow up and analyze the implementation of eastern and western scientific and technological cooperation for a long time, and regularly evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the implementation of key tasks. Timely summarize good practices and good cases of scientific and technological cooperation between the eastern and western regions, and publicize and promote a number of replicable experiences.

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