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Silicon social inventories expand on week

iconMay 17, 2019 14:18
Stocks across Huangpu port, Kunming city, and Tianjin port gained 1,000 mt from May 10 to stand at 56,000 mt as of May 17

SHANGHAI, May 17 (SMM) – Social inventories of silicon metal across Huangpu port, Kunming city, and Tianjin port gained 1,000 mt from a week ago to stand at 56,000 mt as of Friday May 17, SMM data showed.

This was bolstered by an increase in stocks at Tianjin port.

Social inventories at Huangpu port and Kunming fell this week, while arrivals grew stocks at Tianjin port. Deliveries leaving southern and northern warehouses did not substantially improve.

Inventory data

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