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Hainan to be 1st province to ban fossil-fuel vehicles by 2030

iconMar 5, 2019 16:58
This was according to the release of Hainan Clean Energy Vehicle Development Plan on Mar 5 

SHANGHAI, Mar 5 (SMM) – Hainan will phase out fossil fuel vehicles by 2030 to combat air pollution, according to the release of the Hainan Clean Energy Vehicle Development Plan at a press conference in Haikou on Tuesday March 5. 

Hainan will be the first province to implement such a ban.

The province decided to ban sales of diesel or petrol cars from March 1 when new air pollution measures and laws take effect, SMM reported in January

Detailed targets in the latest release included achieving clean energy in the public service sector by 2020, and 100% clean energy in social operational fields by 2025. It aimed to ban sales of fossil fuel vehicles by 2030.

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