Home / Metal News / Baosteel Desheng to suspend #200 stainless steel supply on maintenance

Baosteel Desheng to suspend #200 stainless steel supply on maintenance

iconAug 10, 2018 16:13
Baosteel Desheng in south China is likely to suspend its #200 products from mid-October

SHANGHAI, Aug 10 (SMM) – Stainless steel maker Baosteel Desheng in south China is likely to suspend its supplies of #200 products from mid-October as it plans to put its last blast furnace that produces ferronickel with low nickel content under overhaul, SMM learned.

For the same period, its steelmaking and hot-rolling production lines would also undertake technological upgrades. The overhaul is expected to last for more than five months.

The company’s current monthly production of #200 stainless steel stands at 50,000 mt, SMM data showed.


Operation update
Stainless steel

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