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BHP Billiton: 2017 Becomes Tipping Point for Electric Cars, and Copper Demand to Surge

iconSep 26, 2017 15:03
The year of 2017 looks set to be the "tipping point" for electric vehicles, Arnoud Balhuizen, chief commercial officer at BHP, said on Tuesday. 

SHANGHAI, Sept. 26 (SMM) - The year of 2017 looks set to be the "tipping point" for electric vehicles, Arnoud Balhuizen, chief commercial officer at BHP, said on Tuesday. 

The impact will be felt strongly in copper market, and its supply will fall short of demand as no new big copper mines have been discovered in the last 20 years. 

The impact, however, may have been underestimated by the market, Arnoud Balhuizen said, as fully electric cars need four times as much copper as cars powered by combustion engines.

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