Home / Metal News / China Imported Copper Concentrate TCs Stabilize This Week, SMM Reports

China Imported Copper Concentrate TCs Stabilize This Week, SMM Reports

iconAug 25, 2017 15:25
China’s TCs for imported copper concentrate stabilized this past week, and was offered at $79-85 per tonne on August 25, SMM data showed.

SHANGHAI, Aug. 25 (SMM) – China’s TCs for imported copper concentrate stabilized this past week, and was offered at $79-85 per tonne on August 25, SMM data showed.

Trading Sees No Significant Improvement on Firm SHFE 1710 Copper, SMM Reports

Market participants saw sluggish transaction in imported copper concentrate market. Offers for spot clean or were closed to $80 per tonne, with few trading at $82-83 per tonne.

Shanghai Traders Hold Firm Offers for Spot Copper, SMM Reports

Copper smelters increased spot transaction, improving trading in imported copper concentrate market.

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