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Zinc Concentrate TCs Fall in Inner Mongolia, SMM Reports

iconAug 7, 2017 13:46
Some mines in Inner Mongolia lowered domestic zinc concentrate TCs by 100 yuan per tonne (zinc content) last week due to higher zinc prices, SMM reports.

SHANGHAI, Aug. 7 (SMM) – Some mines in Inner Mongolia lowered domestic zinc concentrate TCs by 100 yuan per tonne (zinc content) last week due to higher zinc prices, SMM reports.

TCs in other regions were almost unchanged, SMM added.

Zinc Price to Hold Strong Reaping Fundamental Benefits, SMM Foresees

TCs of domestic zinc concentrate (50%) were mainly traded at 3,900-4,400 yuan per tonne (zinc content) last week, according to SMM data.

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TCs for imported zinc concentrate (50%) were traded at $50-60 per dry metric tonne.

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TCs of domestic zinc concentrate
TCs of imported zinc concentrate
zinc prices
zinc concentrate supply
zinc output

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