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China Zinc Concentrate TCs Rise Further in Some Regions, SMM Reports

iconJul 17, 2017 13:15
TCs of domestic zinc concentrate (50%) were mainly traded at 3,900-4,400 yuan per tonne (zinc content) last week, almost unchanged on a weekly basis, according to SMM data.

SHANGHAI, Jul. 17 (SMM) - TCs of domestic zinc concentrate rose further in some regions of China. TCs of domestic zinc concentrate (50%) were mainly traded at 3,900-4,400 yuan per tonne (zinc content) last week, almost unchanged on a weekly basis, according to SMM data.

Zinc Prices to Stay at High Levels This Week, SMM Foresees

TCs for imported zinc concentrate (50%) were traded at $55-60 per dry metric tonne (DMT).

Zinc Inventories Post Further Growth in China Major Markets, SMM Reports

Output at some Inner Mongolia-based mine slid because of lower ore grade. But production at some mines in south China recovered after heavy rains, SMM understands.

For news cooperation, please contact us by email: sallyzhang@smm.cn or service.en@smm.cn. 

TCs of domestic zinc concentrate
TCs of imported zinc concentrate
zinc prices
zinc concentrate supply
zinc output

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