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Goldman Sachs Expect Copper Price to Keep Rising, and Bloomberg Survey Finds Analysts Bullish Too

iconJun 30, 2017 10:16
Goldman Sachs said in its report on Thursday that copper price is expected to keep advancing in the short term.

SHANGHAI, Jun. 30 (SMM) – Goldman Sachs said in its report on Thursday that copper price is expected to keep advancing in the short term, and to rise to $6,200 per tonne, but fall to $5,500 per tonne in 2018, and slide further to $5,300 per tonne in 2019. 

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Over half of attendees surveyed by Bloomberg turned bullish over copper price for the first time in two months, citing that demand is strengthening, and the surge in scrap-metal supply comes to an end. Bloomberg’s copper survey result: Bullish: 6, Bearish: 3, Hold: 1

Goldman Sachs also expressed its views over price outlook of other non-ferrous metals. Nickel price is estimated to fluctuate narrowly between $ 8,500-10,000 per tonne, and aluminum to trade at around $ 2,000 per tonne in a period of 3 months and year-end, and $ 2,800 per tonne for zinc at year’s end. 

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