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Jinchuan Group to Conduct Maintenance on Copper Synthesis Furnace in July, SMM Learns

iconJun 28, 2017 18:06
Jinchuan Group will shut down copper synthesis furnace from July 6, 2017 for maintenance which will last for 90 days.

SHANGHAI, Jun. 28 (SMM) – Jinchuan Group will shut down copper synthesis furnace from July 6, 2017 for maintenance which will last for 90 days.

The copper synthesis furnace, built in 2005, has been running for 12 years, with annual copper smelting capacity at 20,000 tonnes (Cu content).

Jinchuan will mainly conduct overhaul on metallurgical furnace, heat recovery boiler, drying machine and other supporting facilities, and will have partial technical transformation and optimization for copper synthesis furnace system.

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