SHANGHAI, Jun. 28 (SMM) – The Philippine’s new environment secretary will oversee nickel ore producing regions in the southern Mindanao region and Palawan province next month, news reported.
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According to SMM, there was only one shipment in 2016 coming out of Davao region, the main part of the southern Mindanao region, and no shipments from the region had been reported as environment protection license was revoked for its near-by to the International Eagle Protection Area.
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In the Palawan province, Berong Nickel Corp and Citinickel are located in the region, which are on the list of closures announced this February. At present, Citinickel is still selling its ore inventories. According to MGB, nickel ore shipments from Palawan accounted for 8.58 per cent of the national’s total in 2016.
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