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SHFE Tin Closes with Small Gains (2016-12-12)

iconDec 12, 2016 18:45
SHFE 1701 tin advanced to RMB 145,550/mt after opening and finally closed at RMB 143,280/mt.

SHANGHAI, Dec, 12 (SMM) – On last Friday’s night trading, SHFE 1701 tin opened higher and then dropped back to RMB 143,020/mt. The contract later moved weakly and finally closed at RMB 143,200/mt.

On Monday, base metals increased across the board as crude oil soared. SHFE 1701 tin advanced to RMB 145,550/mt after opening and later dropped below the moving averages. The contract finally closed at RMB 143,280/mt.

SHFE 1701 tin is predicted to range between RMB 142,000-145,000/mt on Monday’s night trading.

SHFE tin
LEM tin
tin prices

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