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Alumina Prices Unlikely to Turn Worse in H2 2016, SMM Says

iconAug 25, 2016 14:51
Alumina prices in China, which had been mired in downward track over the past few months, will not turn any worse in the second half of the year, SMM expects.

SHANGHAI, Aug. 25 (SMM) – Alumina prices in China, which had been mired in downward track over the past few months, will not turn any worse in the second half of the year, SMM expects.

In fact, domestic alumina market is now basically in a supply & demand balance or small supply deficit. 

China Alumina Output to Fall Back in August from This Year’s High, SMM Says

Most new alumina projects have come on stream so far this year, while other new alumina projects, which are scheduled for commissioning in late 2016, will not contribute output until next year, SMM survey showed.

Hongqiao Group Ships First Alumina from Indonesia JV to China

Even if alumina prices return to declines, any further downside room will be limited, considering that prices are now near cash costs, SMM added. 

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China alumina prices

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