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US Weekly Raw Steel output drops 1.5%

iconApr 5, 2016 14:26
As per the statistics released by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), the raw steel production by the country dropped further by 1.5% during the week ending April 2nd, 2016.

By Paul Ploumis (ScrapMonster Author)

April 05, 2016 01:16:43 AM

ALBANY (Scrap Monster): As per the statistics released by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), the raw steel production by the country dropped further by 1.5% during the week ending April 2nd, 2016. The production had reported marginal rise of 0.4% during the week prior to this.

The total domestic raw steel output during the week ending April 2nd was 1,650,000 net tons. The AISI data indicates that the US raw steel production has dropped by 1.5% during the week. This is in comparison with the previous week (ie., the week ended Mar 26th)  production figures of 1,675,000 net tons. However, the weekly output represents improvement of 2.2% in comparison with production of 1,615,000 net tons during same week the previous year.

The capability utilization rate of US steel makers dropped to 70.6% during the week ended Apr 2nd, 2016.

The capacity utilization rate has dropped when compared with 71.6% during the previous week (ie., the week ending March 26th). However, capacity utilization was higher when compared with the rate of 68.3% during same week the previous year.

The region-wise comparative weekly production figures are provided below:-  


Steel production (in ‘000 nt)

% Change

Week ended Mar 26th

Week ended Apr 2nd

North East




Great Lakes
















The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) is an association of North American steel producers. AISI's member companies represent over three quarters of both U.S. and North American steel capacity.

US Weekly Raw Steel output

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