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SMM Steel Market Morning Brief: Economic Daily: Creating a Reassuring Environment to Stimulate Consumer Willingness
iconMar 26, 2025 07:35
An article in the Economic Daily pointed out that the recently issued "Action Plan to Boost Consumption" proposes creating a trustworthy consumption environment. It suggests implementing a three-year action plan to optimize the consumption environment, further improving systems related to quality standards, credit constraints, comprehensive governance, and consumer rights protection. To boost consumption, it is essential to make creating a safe, reliable, and convenient consumption environment a key measure, with a particular focus on building a trustworthy consumption environment. Promoting consumption should be combined with addressing institutional shortcomings, further enhancing quality standards, credit constraints, comprehensive governance, and consumer rights protection. For example, in response to new-type infringements such as big data price discrimination and AI face-swapping fraud, explicit prohibitive clauses should be added to relevant laws and regulations. To address the issue of high costs of rights protection, a public interest litigation fund should be established and improved to support collective consumer rights protection.
An article in the Economic Daily pointed out that the recently issued "Action Plan to Boost Consumption" proposes creating a trustworthy consumption environment. It suggests implementing a three-year action plan to optimize the consumption environment, further improving systems related to quality standards, credit constraints, comprehensive governance, and consumer rights protection. To boost consumption, it is essential to make creating a safe, reliable, and convenient consumption environment a key measure, with a particular focus on building a trustworthy consumption environment. Promoting consumption should be combined with addressing institutional shortcomings, further enhancing quality standards, credit constraints, comprehensive governance, and consumer rights protection. For example, in response to new-type infringements such as big data price discrimination and AI face-swapping fraud, explicit prohibitive clauses should be added to relevant laws and regulations. To address the issue of high costs of rights protection, a public interest litigation fund should be established and improved to support collective consumer rights protection.

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