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KargoBot allowed to conduct L4 autonomous truck platooning tests in Beijing

iconMay 24, 2024 16:36
Recently, KargoBot, the autonomous truck solution developer backed by DiDi, received a permit for Level 4 autonomous truck platooning tests on public roads in Beijing, the company announced on May 23.

Beijing (Gasgoo)- Recently, KargoBot, the autonomous truck solution developer backed by DiDi, received a permit for Level 4 autonomous truck platooning tests on public roads in Beijing, the company announced on May 23.

This marks the first approval following the city's release of management guidelines for intelligent connected heavy truck platooning, outlining both technological validation and commercial exploration pathways. KargoBot is a key representative of this development strategy.

KargoBot’s vehicles have met a series of requirements, including basic platooning performance, driving capabilities, and emergency response, enabling them to conduct platooning tests in Beijing. This approval highlights KargoBot's technical prowess and commercial potential, providing essential support and management assurance for future large-scale commercial operations of unmanned truck platoons.

As a pioneer in Level 4 autonomous platooning technology, KargoBot began developing and testing truck platoons led by a single driver in a lead vehicle in 2020. The company focuses on addressing challenges in bulk logistics transportation with its innovative hybrid unmanned platooning solution. This solution enables the fleet to automatically form, disband, change lanes, navigate social vehicles, efficiently pass through toll stations, and handle traffic lights.

KargoBot currently operates in North and Northwest China, conducting routine tests and operations in various scenarios, offering end-to-end intelligent transportation for short, medium, and long-distance routes. As of May this year, KargoBot's Level 4 autonomous trucks have transported over 32 million tonne-kilometers of bulk goods, with total demonstration operation distance exceeding 6 million kilometers.

For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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