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Factors Affecting the Price of Ternary Precursors and Materials

iconApr 10, 2024 11:25
The relationship between lithium battery technology innovation and lithium prices is increasingly close. The fluctuation of lithium price affects the innovation investment of enterprises and the market competition pattern. The government, enterprises and research institutions need to work together to formulate reasonable policies and strengthen technological research and development to balance this relationship. In the future, with the rapid development of the new energy field, we need to pay close attention to the market dynamics, explore the path of innovation, and inject new momentum for the sustainable and healthy development of the lithium battery industry.

In the sphere of lithium battery manufacturing, the pricing of ternary precursors and materials is markedly influenced by a diverse set of factors. The section located on the SMM website diligently concentrates on documenting each stage within the value chain of ternary lithium batteries - this ranges from precursor stages through to cathode material utilization, as well as diaphragm and electrolyte implementations. The SMM website provides data services related to ternary precursors and materials, you can use the SMM website to learn more about the market and price data of ternary precursors and materials.

The oscillation experienced in pricing associated with these paramount components and resources not only serves to indicate marketplace supply-demand mechanics but also mirrors developments across technology landscapes, policy shifts, and international trade environments among other significant elements. This article aims at exploring multi-dimensional viewpoints that impact volume and cost associations found in ternary precursors along with various substances used within their production process.

Raw materials and production costs

The manufacture of ternary precursors and materials is intrinsically linked to specific metallic elements such as nickel, cobalt and manganese. Changes in the prices of these basic raw materials have a direct impact on production costs. In recent years, as the market for new energy vehicles continues to expand, the demand for ternary lithium batteries has increased, thus stimulating the demand for primary raw materials. However, the supply of raw materials is affected by a variety of factors: geographic distribution of mineral resources, technological advances in the mining and processing industries, and environmental regulations, among others. When the supply of these key raw materials is insufficient or prices unexpectedly soar, it will lead to a corresponding rise in the manufacturing costs of ternary precursors and related substances, which will inevitably lead to an overall price increase.

Market demand and supply

The primary determinants for pricing in any industry are fundamentally driven by the concepts of supply and demand. As witnessed through the increasingly widespread adoption of renewable energy vehicles and customer expectations surrounding their longevity, safety features and other specifications, there has been a sustained surge in requisition for ternary lithium batteries. This exponential increase in consumer interest propels corresponding demands for ternary precursors and pertinent materials.

However, one must also take into consideration that the situation on the supply side is intricately nuanced. The manufacture of ternary precursors and such elements necessitates an advanced degree of operational aptitude accompanied by substantial capital investment while also being contingent upon environmental regulations, production capacity limits and various other factors. Therefore, it warrants stating that when market requisition surpasses available supplies, ascendency in price levels arises as a natural economic consequence; inversely proportional to this phenomenon is when an abundance of supplies sees a potential decline in prices.

Technical progress and industrial upgrading

The pivotal role of technological advancements and industrial evolution in influencing the price dynamics of ternary precursors and materials is significant. These sectors are constantly fueled by progress, consistently introducing novel ternary precursors and materials that outperform their predecessors both in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The advent of these groundbreaking materials coupled with state-of-the-art technology not only enhances the functioning and quality standards of lithium batteries but also curbs production costs, thereby affecting their market rate. Moreover, industry evolution has proved instrumental in elevating levels of production efficacy as well as resource allocation - further factors impacting overall pricing structure.

Policy factors

Governmental policy considerations significantly impact the pricing of ternary precursors and materials. Typically, these regulators use incentive mechanisms, including subsidies and tax incentives, to foster the growth of businesses focused on alternative energy solutions. Such initiatives facilitate not only an expanded reach into new energy markets but also a reduction in lithium battery production costs; this indirectly moderates the cost of ternary precursors and corresponding materials. At the same time, strict environmental policies set high standards for the production of these important products, requiring companies to make environmentally friendly investments as the circumference increases. This potential represents an inadvertently large influence on the cost structure of the first three components and related components.

International trade situation

Changes in the international trade situation will also have an impact on the price of ternary precursors and materials. With the deep development of globalization, the production and sale of ternary precursors and materials have formed a global market. Changes in the international business environment, such as changes in tariffs, trade barriers, etc., will affect the first three factors and imports and exports, and vice versa will affect prices.

Price impact of diaphragm and electrolyte

The price of key components such as the diaphragm and electrolyte will also have an impact on the overall cost. As an important part of lithium batteries, the quality and performance of the diaphragm directly affect the safety and service life of the battery. The electrolyte, on the other hand, is the medium for ion transmission in lithium batteries, and its performance directly determines the energy density and cycle life of the battery. When the price of these components increases, it will lead to an increase in the production cost of the entire ternary lithium battery, which in turn affects the price of ternary precursors and materials.


To summarize, from raw materials and production costs, market demand and supply, technological progress and industrial upgrading, policy factors, and international trade situation to the price of diaphragm and electrolyte, each factor may have a significant impact on the price. With the continuous progress of new energy technology and market expansion, the price of ternary precursors and materials will be affected by more factors. Therefore, for ternary precursor and material producers and market participants, it is important to pay close attention to the changes in these factors, to adjust the production strategy and market strategy on time, to cope with the risks and challenges of price fluctuations.

the price of ternary precursors and materials

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

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