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The National rare Earth functional Materials Innovation Center organized a meeting of experts on the implementation plan of "Development and demonstration Line Construction of High performance Samarium Cobalt permanent Magnet Materials"

Recently, the National rare Earth functional Materials Innovation Center organized an expert discussion meeting on the project implementation plan of "High performance Samarium Cobalt permanent Magnet material Development and demonstration Line Construction" in Baotou City. The meeting was held simultaneously by online network video and offline meetings. Song Zhenlun, Professor / Senior engineer of Ningbo material Research Institute, Professor / Senior engineer of Ningbo material Research Institute, Mao Shoudong, Executive Vice President of Hangzhou permanent Magnet and Chief engineer of the Group, Zheng Jingwu, Professor / Senior engineer of Zhejiang University of Technology, Zhou Jijun, Professor / Senior engineer of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chai Guozhi, Professor / Senior engineer of Lanzhou University, and Liu Wei, General Manager of National rare Earth functional Materials Innovation Center, Deputy general manager Deng Yuan and other major leaders of other companies jointly attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the person in charge of the project first introduced the basic situation of the construction of the demonstration line, and made a specific analysis on the existing foundation, construction content and scale, schedule, sources of funds, expected benefits and other aspects. The demonstration line will focus on aerospace, national defense, intelligence, hybrid and other high-tech fields, carry out key technologies and core technologies, and develop high-performance samarium cobalt permanent magnet. Form the core common key technologies and new products with independent intellectual property rights, and realize the pilot-scale verification and industrialization promotion of samarium cobalt permanent magnet materials with high remanence and high stability.

By raising questions, answering questions, consulting opinions and giving suggestions, experts agree that the project aims at the major requirements and key technical problems of high performance samarium cobalt permanent magnet materials and their applications, and focuses on the key technologies such as composition control, microstructure optimization, solution aging treatment and so on. The performance index of large-scale preparation reaches: Br > 11.5KGsHCJ > 25KOe, and build a pilot production line of samarium cobalt magnets with an annual output of 150t. It can form a number of technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights, promote the application of samarium cobalt magnets in the fields of 5G intelligence and high-performance motors, and the implementation of the project can effectively support the high-quality development of rare earth magnetic materials and application technology innovation platform.

Through demonstration, experts believe that the preliminary work of the project has a solid foundation, reasonable capital budget, clear objectives, prominent focus and advanced nature, so they unanimously agree that the implementation plan is demonstrated. It is suggested to organize and implement, debug and run as soon as possible to form the production capacity.

In the next step, the National rare Earth functional Materials Innovation Center will sign a project cooperation agreement with relevant units and carry out the construction of a pilot demonstration line.

Rare earth elements

For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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