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NDRC: Eliminating Outdated Production Capacity in Coal Chemical Industry

iconFeb 17, 2022 14:41
On February 17th, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document on its Wechat official account to interpret the Implementation Guide for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Transformation and Upgrading in Key Areas.

SHANGHAI, Feb 17 - On February 17th, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document on its Wechat official account to interpret the Implementation Guide for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Transformation and Upgrading in Key Areas. The article said that outdated and inefficient production capacity should be resolutely eliminated to promote the overall industry. The Guide emphasized that it was necessary to strictly implement relevant laws and regulations on energy conservation, environmental protection, quality, safety technology, and policies such as the Guidance Catalogue of Industrial Structure Adjustment. The coal chemical production capacity whose energy efficiency was below the benchmark and cannot reach the benchmark through energy-saving transformation would be eliminated and withdrawn quickly according to the requirements. The Guide also proposed to adhere to the development and application of cutting-edge technology and to lead the industry to extend the development. The successful development and application of cutting-edge technology would probably break through the limitations out of the old technologies. Also, it would promote the optimisation of the process, reduce consumption and make more rational use of material, in order to essentially speed up energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Coal Chemical Industry

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